
Friday, November 22, 2013

Magneto, Divider with Magnets K-Resin

Divider with Magnets K-Resin
K-Resin is a very practical divider not requiring any front or back fixing profile to use it. This is possible thanks to very strong magnets incorporated in it. This divider can be promoted independently from shelving, since can be used in any already fitted store or in refrigeration.
K-Resin is available in transparent and opaque finish. For coloured version minimum order quantities applies.

Divisorio K Resin con Magneti

K Resin è un divisorio estremamente pratico perche non ha bisogno di ancoraggi davanti ne dietro, perche incorpora dei potenti magneti. K Resin può essere promosso anche indipendentemente dalla scaffalatura, per integrare arredi esistenti o refrigerazione.
K Resin è disponibile in finitura trasparente o opaca. Per le versioni colorate si richiedono dei lotti minimi.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

CST Acrylic Dividers' System for TN9 Shelving, MULTI Modular Shelves

CST Acrylic Dividers System
CST dividers are made of  6mm sheet-cut acrylic and requires the use of an acrylic front riser in 'U' channel shelf, modular or one piece. The system is held together with a divider support back rail and specially designed transparent clips.

Divisori in Acrilico CST
Il sistema CST consiste in divisori in acrilico di 6mm tagliato da foglio e prevede necessario utilizzo di frontale in Acrilico su ripiani con canale ad 'U'. Il sistema è tenuto assieme dalla cremagliare per divisori posteriore e da speciali clip di fissaggio.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Head Gondola No Base Slim40 and base shelf Podium

Object: Head Gondola No Base Slim40 and base shelf Podium

News for PharmaCaem, how reduce the size of the head gondola unit and how to have a high end-finish on base level  ?

1) New Head Gondola No Base Slim40
2) New Base shelf Podium

1) The New Head Gondola No base is just 40mm depth instead of 90mm for the Tn9, the best fot little and medium surfaces , easy and fast installation, just one panel with slots screwed on the gondola, front standard back panels pitch 70cm, all in 780mm in front and 40mm from the side, it accepts every Tn display 70cm lenght

2) For the best design replace kicker panel and base shelf with just one item like a Base shelf Podium, please look at the final result for the 2 applications :


Oggetto : Testata Gondola No base Slim40 e piano base Podium

Ancora novità nel programma PharmaCaem, come ridurre gli ingombri delle testate e rifinire al meglio le nostre gondole standard ?

1) Nuova testata Gondola No Base, Slim40
2) Piani di base Podium in metallo

1) La nuova Testata No base, ingombra solo 40mm lateralmente (-50mm rispetto a testata con montanti Tn9), si adatta bene ai piccoli ambienti quali le farmacie e le parafarmacie, è facile e veloce da montare, 1 solo pannello da avvitare ai montanti e alle basi della gondola, viene rivestito frontalmente da schienali standard passo 70cm, per un ingombro totale di 780mm (vista frontale) e 40mm lateralmente, vi si possono applicare tutti i display passo 70cm poiché la cremagliera è integrata al pannello!

2) Se vuoi ottenere il meglio dal punto di vista estetico, prevedi il nuovo Piano di Base Podium nelle gondole del punto vendita, non hai bisogno di zoccoli e piano di base, un solo articolo in metallo copre interamente le strutture di base e consegna un design molto pulito, unito alla nuova testata questo il risultato ottenuto:


Objet: Tête Gondole No Base Slim40 et tablette de base Podium

Encore deux nouveautés sur le programme PharmaCaem, comment réduire les encombrements des tête de gondole et avoir des finition de base d'haute gamme ?

1) Nouvelle Tête de Gondole No base Slim40
2) Tablette de base Podium en mètal

1) La nouvelle tète de gondole, que 40mm vue de coté (-50mm par rapport au TN9), s'adapte mieux aux surfaces de vente dans la Pharmacie et Parapharmacie, elle est facile et vite à poser, 1 seul panneau qui fait l'arrière et la crémaillère vissé à la gondole, plus ses panneaux de fond standard pas de 70cm, elle fait 780mm vue de face et 40mm vue de coté, vous pouvez prévoir tous les présentoirs Caem pas de 70cm grâce à la crémaillère intégrée

2) Pour obtenir le mieux au niveau esthétique, remplace les plinthes et les tablettes de base par un seul article, la tablette de base Podium rendra le design très propre et épuré, voir le résultat même avec la nouvelle tête de gondole :

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Better Merchandising with Less-Tall, Stronger Brackets in M25 System

This is a good example of improved merchandising. Caem long experience and knowledge in methods to improve merchandisings and facings delivers yet again a strong advantage.
After a gondola unit is installed with shelves on brackets, there is often the need to display products on hooks that will attach to a cross bar.
The cross bar is hooked to the upright below the shelf. The issue is: how close the cross bar is to the shelf? The closer it will be, the better the merchandising will be!
It is only thanks to the thickness of Caem brackets that they can be designed less-tall yet delivering the same loading capacity. Since the bracket is less-tall, the cross bar will go right under the shelf. Once the hooks are installed, their natural 5° upward inclination will deliver a perfect merchandising with no loss of free spaces..

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Drop Plate for M25, S50 systems

Here is something interesting! Retailers always have a weird feeling about the area where the base shelf touches the floor. Technically, we are speaking of a vertical panel that stays in front of the base and works a finishing "fascia".

Caem's Tn9 and T25 systems features a kicker panel, that likewise a back panel does hang on the base and delivers a straight coloured fascia below the base shelf.

The problem is: when the floor of the store is not even, the eye will catch a dark line below the kicker panel not a straight shadow line, but as a wave that goes higher and lower when the floor goes lower and higher but the shelving stays correctly levelled. The problems is greater the longer the shelving run is.

Caem solution adopted in the newest S50 and M25 systems is a 'DROP PLATE' that sits on the floor. The drop plate is easy to install, easy to remove for maintainance and cleaning and gives the solutions to those problems of an 'un-even shadow line'. One may argue that the gap between the base shelf and the drop plate will not be regular... this is not a problem since this gap stays near - under the base shelf, so remains invisible.

Attached are pictures from M25 system.